martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

The physical development of teenagers (13-19)

I have never given before the importance to all the physical changes that the teens have during adolescence, and how it could affect if it is not under a certain supervision of the adults around them. I thought everything that happen was normal, you know nothing to worry on. It is just now, that I am reading and learning about physical development in adolescents, that I understand how highly meaningful it is in order to know what is going on whit them in this process. I used to judge their misbehavior and bad-temper, but now I want to share to you that everything they do in this process has a purpose and a reason, and just if we pay attention, we will be able to find the answers of questions related with the teens’ behave.

One of the physical features in adolescents is the puberty. Personally, I consider this as one of the most important for being taking seriously. Let me remind you that adolescence is a process of development when boys and girls explore and struggle, in some cases, with changes in their bodies, so they go between childhood and adulthood. Taking this into account, puberty could be a “headache” for some teens because they will start growing experiencing some biological changes like pubic hair and menarche (girls) which cannot be very pleasure for them, and some teens even can feel ashamed of those changes. During the puberty, adolescents could be in the risk of having depression, antisocial behavior, mood, and lower self-esteem. But all this is a natural process in which they just need the support of their parents, and teachers to be guided and succeed.

I think you are telling yourself what it has to be with teaching.  Well, now that I have read about the changes, I will have it in mind at the time of delivering my class. Even though, puberty could have negative effects in teens, but being conscious of it will make me to take advantage. I will not do activities that could make the situation worse. I also will be careful using a proper vocabulary with teens for not to hurt their feelings because as it is known in this period they are very sensitive and vulnerable to negative outcomes.

Papalia,D., Olds,S., Feldman, R., (2006)Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence. Online Learning Center: Human Development.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello Karen, it’s good to greet you, and let you know that your blog got my attention, because of your creativity, and the deep explanation provided. The section that I like the most was the one in which you project the strategies that you will be applying while you will be teaching. You really focused on how you should plan classes in order to not to hut teenagers’ feelings; therefore, you will take advantages of their weaknesses when you develop any kind of activities in the classroom.

  2. Hello Karen, I really liked the information that you shared. It is significant to remember that we had passed for this period and we have suffered this changes. So, as teacher, we must think that students most of the time they are not happy with the changes that they are suffering. Thus, it is important to be kind at the moment of telling them something.

  3. Hi Karen, I have read your blog about the different changes that teens have to cope in that stage of their life, and I agree that we need to be careful about how we act in front of them, and what kind of vocabulary we are going to use in order to express our ideas, so they do not feel that we are the boss.

  4. Hi Karen, I agree with you, the constant changes that teenagers suffers in the adolescense can produce negative effects in their lives, so we as teachers, we need to create a good enviroment for them in which they can feel comfortable and with wishes to participate in the class

  5. Hello Karen, I can tell you that I was not very sure about the meaning psychosocial, but now I know that is related mostly to the adolescets thougts and the questions that appear in their minds at this stage. Moreover, if we as teacher do not support them, they could find an inadecuate answer to those questions and its because of this that sometimes adolescence its turn difficult.
    Thank you for sharing this great information.

  6. Thanks to all of you that share your opinions. And I can notice that all of us agree with creating a better environment in the class to our students. I know it is not an easy job, but that is why we are doing all this investigation about tadolescence.

    1. That's the purpose of this class Karen, to prepare teachers that understand students and adapt lessons to their changes having in mind that any comment, word, activity, or attitude may have a possitive or negative impact in the life of that person.
