miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

Psychosocial development

Just before starting, I want to clarify that I will not talk about any mental disorder, even though, the syllables “Psycho” could let you think about that. And I am saying this because when I first heard the word, I thought in the same. Actually, it is more related with socialize, be part of a group, and others. In order to know more about teens, and get engage with this topic, I go through many online sites to look for all kind of relevant information because I did not have an idea about this topic. I even asked teachers at the university what they understood or knew about psychosocial development. I am sure that you want to know what I found, that is why I will let you know.

I learned that the term psychosocial is related to the process in which adolescents are trying to find their identities. In this stage they use to ask themselves questions like “Who am I”? and “Why I look like this and not like that”?, and of course they are looking for the answer of those questions. And this is completely normal; they just need to be guided to get an answer to all their questions. Adolescents are in an environment, and they, as every human being, need to socialize with others with the same characteristics, but for them this can be a big issue. It is also known that the context of the adolescent will have a big influence in their development socializing with their peers. The different contexts in which they will have the opportunity of socializing are the school, clubs, church, friends, and family. All these places can help the adolescent to find their identity, but sometimes they can face some difficulties like not being taken into account in certain groups or clubs they want to. It is normal that they want to talk, dress, and act just like the group where they are. In this stage they will not follow parents’ rules because they have just started to judge the way they are treat and guide.

What I see in this stage is a great opportunity not to interference in the process, but to look for activities in which students can create relationships among them. As a teacher, I consider I must have the creativity at the time of planning because it is important to take into account all about teenagers. Like in every group, there is a leader that everyone will follow, so if the teacher work with them, it is almost possible that the entire class will follow the instructions during the lesson. I also believe that as a teacher it is important to interact with students to know their strengths and weaknesses, so they can feel that the teacher it is not the “boss” in the grade but a friend who listen to them when they need it. They need to know that for as they are very important, and let them see that together we can have a better and different nation if we learn to have healthy interrelationships.
McLeod, S., (2008).Symply Psychology. Retrieved: from http://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html

martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

Cognitive development of teenagers

As I said in the last topic, I tend to judge and critize what teenagers do not or do “wrong”, but at this point you have noticed that there is something else that take place in this situation. However, now I will not talk about physical but changes talking about how teens use their logic. One of my favorite researchers and specialists is Jean Piaget, but there were some others like Erik Erickson and Robert Selman that have been studying the areas of cognitive and the social relationships of teens in the adolescence period. I do not want you to get bored with all this theories, but to analize the process in this stage of life in order to help boys and girls replacing they status to feel the way they feel.

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2014) identity, peer pressure, and self-esteem are the three most important aspects in the adolescence. In this stage teenagers have develop an ability to reason and have a complex thinking than when they were children in which they just could think in concrete operations, the things that they could see and touch. There are many wonderful things for example in this stage they can participate giving their opinions and sharing their points of view, but there are also some things which they can struggle with like peer pressure, identity, and self-esteem. Everyone wants to be part of a group, and feel they are important and loved, so they will follow not adults’ rules but the rule of the group they think they belong.

Thus, when teenagers misbehave, do not want to participate in any activity, or show an unusual attitude, they are just seeking their place in the World around them. Now I learned that teens are not adults, they think differently but they deserve the same treatment and respect. Thinking in the class delivery, I think something really meaningful for me is that I am conscious that teens love working and sharing with their peers, and topics related to technology. I will not just talk about what they struggle with but taking advantages of what I already learned.

I am pretty sure that if anyone who has the necessary tools, and what is more important know and read information before will sucess teaching teenagers. Personally, I could say that this is one of the groups I would love teaching English.

·         American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Teens: Alcohol and Other Drugs Accessed 6/4/2014.

Developmental Psychology: Cognitive Development, 2004 http://www.healthofchildren.com/C/Cognitive-Development.html

The physical development of teenagers (13-19)

I have never given before the importance to all the physical changes that the teens have during adolescence, and how it could affect if it is not under a certain supervision of the adults around them. I thought everything that happen was normal, you know nothing to worry on. It is just now, that I am reading and learning about physical development in adolescents, that I understand how highly meaningful it is in order to know what is going on whit them in this process. I used to judge their misbehavior and bad-temper, but now I want to share to you that everything they do in this process has a purpose and a reason, and just if we pay attention, we will be able to find the answers of questions related with the teens’ behave.

One of the physical features in adolescents is the puberty. Personally, I consider this as one of the most important for being taking seriously. Let me remind you that adolescence is a process of development when boys and girls explore and struggle, in some cases, with changes in their bodies, so they go between childhood and adulthood. Taking this into account, puberty could be a “headache” for some teens because they will start growing experiencing some biological changes like pubic hair and menarche (girls) which cannot be very pleasure for them, and some teens even can feel ashamed of those changes. During the puberty, adolescents could be in the risk of having depression, antisocial behavior, mood, and lower self-esteem. But all this is a natural process in which they just need the support of their parents, and teachers to be guided and succeed.

I think you are telling yourself what it has to be with teaching.  Well, now that I have read about the changes, I will have it in mind at the time of delivering my class. Even though, puberty could have negative effects in teens, but being conscious of it will make me to take advantage. I will not do activities that could make the situation worse. I also will be careful using a proper vocabulary with teens for not to hurt their feelings because as it is known in this period they are very sensitive and vulnerable to negative outcomes.

Papalia,D., Olds,S., Feldman, R., (2006)Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence. Online Learning Center: Human Development. http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0073133809/student_view0/chapter11/index.html

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016


Hello. My name is Karen Aguilar Tejada.I am 21 years old. I am in my fourth year of  studying Languages to teach. I am studying at Don Bosco University. I am glad to introduce you this blog in which you will be able to read all kind of information and  how teenagers are developing in the different stages of their lives. I will also share my experience in my teaching practicum with adolescents. I am wondering of all what we will learn in this semester. I aslo spect at the end of this course to have clearer how adolescents go through  a process of learning while they are also developing physically, and the ways I, as a future teacher, can help them to achieve the goal.

I can say that it was exactly the first reason why I decided to study Languages for teaching, because I love helping others, and languages as well. Since I was a little girl, I used to say to my mother: "I want to be a teacher", and just when I started studying English in 7° grade that I  knew I would love teaching languages. I looked information for the University with the best techniques and methods to teach, and as you can see I found Don Bosco University with a really good pensum. I also have had very good teachers that let me feel how special and meaningful can be when we help others to improve themselves through the education. I am completly sure that all the time at the University has been very valuable. It is great to have also classmates that think in different ways because I had learned to do better the things that I used to do not that well. Now that I am in fourth year, I have lots of friends from the same Mayor, and both have improved so many things at the time of delivering or planing a lesson. What I like the most is to have the opportunity to share all this with you through this blog.